Not Again....Not in Colorado...Enough is Enough!
After the horrific news of the mass shooting in Boulder Colorado two days ago, I was sad, numb and angry again like so many of us. Why is this happening again and again? Not now, since we are still in shock form the shootings in Atlanta....enough is enough. And here we go again... One of the reasons why we moved to Germany is because we were tired of gun violence in the US. This was not the only reason of course. We were looking at moving to Europe for several years and wanted to try it earlier, actually. But the timing was not perfect when we decided to move, since the kids were in high school and it was a really tough move. It was expensive and stressful and just a lot of work. But Marc had a job offer and we took the chance. We were 50 and not getting younger. We were getting worried about the expensive healthcare and the rising college tuition too. Socially and politically the US was not healthy. Marc also has family in no...